Well I have to admit being very slack as far as my learning to paint journey is concerned. It's now March 2010 and it's been a long time since I put brush to canvas which I do feel rather guilty about.
I did however complete another course from July through to September last year. It was a Water Colour & Mixed Media class and if I were to be honest I would have to tell you that it kind of put me off painting :o(
I think it was the feeling of not having control over what was happening on the paper! It all felt so messy and unorganised and I am obviously a control freak when it comes to anything creative!
So..I've decided I'm not and probably never will be a water colourist! I'll stick to acrylics and guoache...might give the oils a bit of a go one of these days too. Hopefully I'll do a bit better with them!
I'm considering going back and doing the first course that I did at
Brougham School of Art again. I really enjoyed that course and felt like I accomplished something. It might also help me to get back into the full swing of things again.
In the meantime I have two paintings sitting gathering dust and no where near finished. I'll get to them one of these days I hope!