Friday, March 12, 2010

Something else...

Well whilst I'm in a chatty sharing mood I thought I might as well show you this as well.

It's the alcove under the stairs in our family room. I wanted to make it look a little more inviting and homely. So I got out my rub-on words again and added the words 'Simple Pleasures are Lifes Treasures'. (I thought these were suitable words to put above a book shelf). I then got to work with my craft knife cutting out lots of paper butterflies from pretty blue papers.
My family think it looks very pretty..especially on a night when the lamp is lit and creating beautiful shadows.
Simple but effective I think.

Other stuff...

Thought I'd share something I did with my front lounge room.
We have a very big wall in there and I've often stared at it wondering what on earth to do with it.
Because of it's strange shape it had me completely stumped...but that was until I remembered I had a whole bunch of frames left over from when I used to be a Scrapbooking Consultant.

These are frames made especially for 12 x 12 scrapbooking layouts...and well...I have a lot of layouts sitting in albums that no one gets to see unless they open them up and have a look!
I also have a whole lot of 'rub-on' words and images that come from the same range.
I finally had an idea!

Nothing major ...just something simple and sweet...and I have to tell you I am very happy with it, it looks quite affective when you first walk in the front door, & I have received quite a few comments which is always nice. :o)

Another year...but not another painting

Well I have to admit being very slack as far as my learning to paint journey is concerned. It's now March 2010 and it's been a long time since I put brush to canvas which I do feel rather guilty about.

I did however complete another course from July through to September last year. It was a Water Colour & Mixed Media class and if I were to be honest I would have to tell you that it kind of put me off painting :o(
I think it was the feeling of not having control over what was happening on the paper! It all felt so messy and unorganised and I am obviously a control freak when it comes to anything creative!

So..I've decided I'm not and probably never will be a water colourist! I'll stick to acrylics and guoache...might give the oils a bit of a go one of these days too. Hopefully I'll do a bit better with them!

I'm considering going back and doing the first course that I did at Brougham School of Art again. I really enjoyed that course and felt like I accomplished something. It might also help me to get back into the full swing of things again.

In the meantime I have two paintings sitting gathering dust and no where near finished. I'll get to them one of these days I hope!