Thursday, October 21, 2010

Art makes the Heart Sing

Thought I'd share this little painting that I did last week. It's the quickest painting I've ever done! It was done over two days in between doing all the normal boring cooking, cleaning, working stuff...
Now 2 days might sound like a long time to some people..but for me..(the person who takes forever to do a painting because I fuss too much!!)..2 days is amazing!!
Anyway here it is..just a little 7" x 9" Mixed Media piece.
'Art makes the Heart Sing'  - Mixed media on canvas board



  1. I think its great you were in such a zone that you were able to complete a painting in two days.
    At the moment I am working 2 jobs and I am a single parent so I am I lucky if I complete a painting a month.

    Good job!

  2. Thanks Michelle :o)
    It's completely the opposite of what I normally do...let me tell you about the painting I'm working on today...I started it 3 years ago..or was it 5??..anyway...I got sidetracked with life and am only now finally trying to get it finished! lol (I did mention I'm a procrastinator right..?? hehehe)
    If only we could chuck in our jobs and just paint all day every day hey!! Now that'd bethe life!! ;o>


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