Friday, January 25, 2013

'Sunshine, freedom, & a little flower' - Mixed media

Well I started another class...this one's called Lifebook 2013. It's run by a lovely lady called Tamara Laporte who is based in the good ol' UK. She creates a lot of classes for this year long course but there are also a ton of other artists involved who also create their own classes. So you end up with pretty much one class a week over 52 weeks. It's a great way to learn lots of different technique and well worth signing up.

My first exercise was to create a 'Fairy Art Mother' and put speech bubbles around her. In those speech bubbles you are meant to write words of encouragement to yourself. In other words, whatever negative things you normally tell yourself over and over eg:- 'I'm not good enough', 'Everyone else is better', 'I'm not an artist', etc, etc, etc (I'm sure you know all too well what I'm talking about)... You just write the opposite in the speech bubbles. So now you'd have 'You ARE good enough', 'You are JUST AS GOOD as everyone else', 'YOU ARE AN ARTIST'! Then you place this somewhere where you can see it all the time whilst you are creating. It's just a reminder to stop doubting yourself. I really loved this idea. I am definitely guilty of negative self-speak and it's something I need to work on changing.
Anyway, I've decided not to share her on here as the comments she's making are a little instead I am sharing another exercise that I did in the same course. :)

This one was a 'technique class'. Using foil, paper, tissue, etc..whatever you wanted really. (Paint/ink/spray your tissue ..or other...and then glue to foil. Cut out the shapes you want and then mold & glue into shape). We were supposed to make (almost) 3d flowers on our painted background. Well of course mine turned out not to be flowers and instead a fairy appeared. lol
You will see the wings are created using the same foil/tissue/etc technique.
It works really well. :)

'Sunshine, freedom, & a little flower' - Mixed media on paper

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

'I wish I could fly like the birds' - painted paintbrush

Hi everyone, I thought I would share something I did at the end of last year when I was doing the Frolic class with Mindy Murphy Lacefield. It's just a plain old paintbrush that's been painted up with a couple of bunnies. It turned out just soo cute! I love it. I have two other brushes that I would like to paint up to match the first...IF I ever get around to it of course. lol I'll be sure to link back to this post if I do.
Anyway, here it is... 'I wish I could fly like the birds'
'I wish I could fly like the birds' - Acrylic on paintbrush