Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Mary's quite Contrary

It's a lovely winters day here today. Beautiful blue skies (which always make me feel so energised) not so warm though. Going for a top of 17celsius. I can't wait for Spring which starts in 3 weeks but in the meantime, if the rest of winter is like this, I'll be quite content. :o)

I'm sharing another one of the paintings that I've done since I started the 'Paint Your Story' course by Mindy Murphy Lacefield.
Doing this course has been the best thing ever for me! I'm so excited about how much freer that I feel. So much more relaxed. Before the class I used to have to plan every last detail about what I was going to put onto canvas and paper. Now I just start making marks and let the canvas tell me what it wants to be.
I never in a million years thought that I would be able to be paint like that...giving up my control over whatever I was creating and just seeing where the paint took me. Its wonderful!! I love it! ♥

Here she is...

'Mary's quite contrary' - Mixed media

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