Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Oh my! I've been seriously slack lately haven't I! My last post was Dec 31 2011! Since then I haven't done a lot really, been busy working, living life, but also doing a book project for a friend, which is not finished yet so I can't share right now.
But I do have a little something that I made for my beautiful sister so I'll share that instead. It's another box canvas 12 x 12 acrylic painting along the lines of my 'I Spread my Wings' painting that I did a while ago. This painting is called 'Sister'.

'Sister' - Acrylic on canvas

I also wrote a poem which I have hand written around the edge of the canvas. I'm definitely no poet thats for sure but I think it expresses how I feel about my sister perfectly. :o)
Well I'd best get back to working on my book project.
Have a happy day everyone!
Shirl   :o)